Cargonomia enables the use of convivial tools. It is a partnership of three socially and environmentally conscious small enterprises operating in or near Budapest: Cyclonomia, a DIY Bicycle Social Cooperative, Zsamboki Biokert, an organic vegetable farm and sustainable agriculture community education center and Kantaa, a self organized bike messenger and delivery company.
In addition to the direct marketing of local food products, Cargonomia is a logistics center for sustainable urban transport solutions where members can borrow, rent and buy locally manufactured cargobikes. Cargonomia and its partner’s activities aim to display how environmentally friendly and equity based partnerships can create sustainable and meaningful community empowerment opportunities which offer concrete alternatives to standard profit-driven social and economic systems.
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# Aspirational Goals
Cargonomia promotes low carbon transport solutions (bicycle competency advocacy) in an urban context. The primary goal is to increase access to locally produced products(food) by promoting direct trade from local producers to consumer communities who are seeking healthy and environmentally conscious food options.
# Legal Status & Location
no legal entity for cargonomia itself, but it is like a federation of legal entities that are being used according to the concrete need for a specific purpose in a flexible way
Budapest, Hungria, Europe with transnational impact, as more than 1000 people are connected to Cargonomia internationally
# When did they start?
around 2010, some individuals were looking for concrete solutions to accelerate transition at a local level, f.i. protagonists like Vincenct Llegey (wiki )
related to the squatting movement
Started in a DIY style in 2012; connected to a messenger company start-up and connected this with the idea to self-design a cargo bike. Officially opened in 2015.
Later it was connected to a kind of self-organized artist place for living and working; sharing all the resources.
In Budapest/ Hungary there was an excellent space for experimenting with degrowth ideas because the real estated prices where very low, so an action-research project was opened. The five funding people were from different backgrounds and connected to different networks. In general, if you are well connected to DIT contexts you can have a good life with 300 Euro in Budapest.
# How do they work?
Cargonomia is connecting its garden partner Zsámboki Biokert to its consumers in Budapest. People can pick their weekly organic vegetable box directly in Cargonomia or get it delivered by bike. Also bread from a social cooperative organic bakery that uses traditional wheat varieties is being distributed to customer-partners throughout the city using locally manufactured cargo bikes.
Furthermore, members are engaged in research and the group opens a space for community activities on sustainable transitions, conviviality and Degrowth, hosts DiY and self-sufficiency building workshops, discussions and also cultural events which seek to implement synergies between new and existing social and environmental outreach projects.
# Funding and Finance Strategies
At the beginning of a project we always wonder how we can do it without money, pooling knowhow and knowledge and we only spend money We also try to avoid growth crisis and prefer to invest in improving the quality of the group and diversify our portfolio - from food production to sustainable transport in the city.
Everybody self-organizes his/her "basic income" (some are part time working at a farm, others are part time researchers or consultants and others as cargobike-builders. When somebody gets a good income, part of it is invested into new Cargobike-projects.
# Which Core Dimensions of Commoning are enacted?
There is clearly a focus on co-creation instead of values. They do so going through different phases. If somebody enters, s/he has to read a lot of literature and being exposed to whatever happens in Cargonomía. After this feedback and a formal presentation is asked to the newcomers. Insights and criticisms are shared but on the basis of taking responsibility. (so, if you criticize, you need to come up with a proposal for how to address the problem.)
- Cultivate Shared Purpose & Values - Strengthen the Nested-I - Contribute Freely - Practice Gentle Reciprocity - Ritualize Togetherness - Trust Situated Knowing - Deepen Communion with Nature - Preserve Relationships in Addressing Conflicts To the question "how do you address conflicts within the group?" --- we have a beer together and talk, but there is also a great deal of freedom, people travel a lot, take a distance, when they come back, that bring new energy and new ideas. - Reflect on Your Peer-Governance
# Peer-Governance in the Commons
It's not centralized, don't have money in common - just share the space. "We share all the information, we take decisions together in an organic way - we talk it through and never vote. If people are interested and there is no objection some just go for it, others don't.
There is no shared value at the outset, but participants truly Bring Diversity into Shared Purpose. As one of the founders put it:
The diversity of the group is fundamental. The only thing we have in common is that we want to do fancy things together, but we basically disagree about everything.
- Keep Commons & Commerce Distinct - Set Semi-Permeable Boundaries - Assure Commoners' Consent in Decisionmaking - Relationalize Property - Honor Transparency in a Sphere of Trust - Respect Human Dimensions* - Share Knowledge Often & Widely - Finance Commons Provisioning Crowding campaing to raise money, that was not spent in the rent for the headquarter/rent however, but put aside "the money is our freedom to decide what we want to do." No loans accepted. Money was rised for research projects and Cargonomia could provide logistics/ food etc as an indirect Self-organized UBI-> unconditional autonomy income! - Self-Monitor & Apply Graduated Sanctions
# How does Provisioning through commons occur?
indirect income, all people involved get their income through other projects related to Cargonomia, research projects, provisioning projects (f.i. a bakery) and educational projects, story telling etc. Partners in Cargonomia Rely on Distributed Structures, in that there is a large number projects. If one of them fails, it doesn't create a problem for Cargonomia as such.
- Share the Risks of Provisioning - Make & Use Together - Honor Care & Decommodified Work - Pool & Share. There are always trainees, new people who join the projects, f.i. about urban agroforestry and share their knowledge within the project. Educational projects are core. - Pool, Cap & Divide up - Pool, Cap & Mutualize - Trade with Price-Sovereignty - Produce Cosmo-Locally - Creatively Adapt & Renew
ontological ground and political culture
# Inner Kernel
- Epistemology - Ubuntu-Rationality. - Relational categories. name them
Proceed the same way selecting from the following dimensions
- Beat the Bounds of Capitalocentrism - [Protect & Extend Value Sovereignty] - Emulate & Then Federate - Strengthen Commons Public Circuits # State Functions for Commoning - Use or Establish Discrimination-Free Infrastructures - Provide Mediation & Support if Needed
# Realms of Commoning
delete those which don't apply; if you are missing a top-level-tag; put a note in [Notes to Silke]
Air&Atmosphere, Art&Culture, Communication, Democratic Innovation, Energy, Fisheries, Food, Forests, Health, Housing, Knowledge, Land, Learning, Mobility, Spirit&Well Being, Spaces for Commoning
# Sources
add the websites, documents and media you've drawn from
# See also
Cargonomia website, html
Money is not the driver but a tool, A loan would create the necessity to pay back and this would create a situation where projects are being done to make money. Whereas Cargonomia prefers creating a situations where projects can be rejected orneven