The Federation of Open Workshops offers space, tools and counseling for creative and customized production. They allow for experimenting with new technologies, such as in Fablabs.
Stop refering to Do It Yourself, it's about Doing It Together.
Open Workshops - wood workshops, 3D-print workshops, metall-workshops, electronic workshops and repair-cafes - offer space for community-building, collective thinking and learning (symmathesy). They inspire to concern ourselves more with societal challenges.
One of the first open workshop in Germany was founded by the Anstiftung (html ) in 1987: the Haus der Eigenarbeit in Munich.

Co Wiki Icon.
# Legal Status and Location?
# When did it start?
The Federation was founded in 2012 (html ), based on a mid-term process of empowering Open Workshops.
# How do they work?
"Wir ermächtigen uns der Produktionsmittel, wir eignen sie uns wieder an. Wir wollen verstehen, wie die ganze Kette der Produktion eigentlich funktioniert, um uns zu ermächtigen, die Dinge wieder gemeinsam zu machen." Bettina Weber
The Federation created a platform for Open Workshops, as an online space for introducing their work and projects. It offers counceling for members regarding legal and insurrance related questions. And it provides spaces for sharing and discussing designs, swapping devices, materials and - above all - a lot of contacts ("Vitamin B"). Once a year they organize a network-meeting to enable f2f contact. (html )
The Federation offers information about environmental protection, public funding, sponsoring and donations and offers workshops, common activities, project cooperations or simply expert or peer-meetings.
# Finances and Partnerships
- membership fees, individual membership is possible but seldom; members are usually collective entities (Open Workshops and Fablabs); - Some projects are financed by the German Federal Government (usually no institutional financing) - There is a consious discussion about the ethical dimension of financing (but no explicit rules so far)
# 1. Which Core Dimensions of Commoning are enacted?
- Cultivate Shared Purpose & Values - Ensure Fair Abundance - Strengthen the Nested-I. "Vor allem wird man als Ich eher aufgefangen, aufgefangen in einem Wir, welches eine gewisse Kultur und Struktur teilt." The phrase "aufgefangen werden" is difficult to translate. It is a feeling of being part of a bigger whole, the interviewee experiences when people from the federation meet and everybody shares where and which project s/he comes from. It is like "I as part of a We embedded in a common culture and structure." - Decouple Giving & Taking - Practice Gentle Reciprocity - Deepen Interdependency on Nature - Trust Situated Knowing - Honor Care & Time - Be Creatively Adaptive - Relationship Preserving Conflict Resolution
# 2. How does Provisioning through commons occur?
Describe what is being produced and how in this Commons. Then, assess which elements of Provisioning through Commons are present? Be as concrete as possible, even storytelling might fit!
Pool & Share - Cap & Share or Mutualize - Produce Cosmo-Locally - Use Convivial Tools - Decouple Giving & Taking - Rely on Distributed Structures - Protext & Extend Value Sovereignity - Direct Capital to Commons Provisioning - Establish Discrimination-Free Infrastructures
# 2.a Use Convivial Tools
Single out which kind of tools are used and tag them with: Constituting Tools and/or Knowledge Creation and/or Socializing Tools and/or Infrastructures and/or Finance and/or Laws
# 3. Self-Governance in the Commons # 3.a Governing Internal Relations
"Ordnung funktioniert nur, wenn jeder etwas mehr wegräumt, als er hinwirft."
- Relationalize Property. The most important resource is knowledge, which is shared often and widely, for instance through the "Co-Wiki" (wiki ]; LICENCE??;
- Develop Shared Purpose & Values "Selbstverständnis-Update" for about 2 years now in an intermitted but constant process during the anual meetings, conscious process
- Assure Inclusiveness but Set Semi-Permeable Boundaries, "wer Mitglied ist, ist drin"; there are conditions for membership, rules for exclusions are defined (Satzung)
- Assure Commoner's Consent in Decisionmaking
- Honor Transparency in a Sphere of Trust, culture of openess, reflection about openess and sharing of individual information is honoured / even considered as sth. sacred; no full transparency in terms of who earns what ("because nobody asked for so far", but it would be possible because there is a lot of trust towards those who have the lion share of responsibility, high level of transparency of project and organizational budgeting; transparency is often a question of "how do I make sth. transparent"; digital tools for making things transparent evolve "der Verbund muss da mitziehen". (OPEN)
- Share Knowledge Often and Widely 100%
- Self-Monitor, Mediate & Sanction
Proceed the same way selecting from the following dimensions
Beat the Bounds - Emulate & Then Federate - Create Polycentric Democracies - Accept State Oversight & Support as Needed
# Inner Kernel
- Aspirational goals: there is a huge pontitial to further develop a common goal but it has not yet been formulated - Relational categories: impuls (production is always impulse and needs driven; we (wenig ich); DIT not DIY; we is interest-driven based on a commoon idea; "individuelle Gruppendynamik"; Idee, Impuls oder Produkt hat etwas Verbindendes - Metaphors: concepts which don't trigger hierarchy, spatial concepts; " Open workshops are like snowflakes... always different!" - Epistemology: - Rationality: coin it according to the preestablished list of rationality-types
# Realms of Commoning
delete those which don't apply; if you are missing a top-level-tag; put a note in [Notes to Silke]
Air&Atmosphere, Art&Culture, Communication, Democratic Innovation, Energy, Fisheries, Food, Forests, Health, Housing, Knowledge, Land, Learning, Mobility, Spirit&Well Being, Spaces for Commoning
# Sources
add the websites, documents and media you've drawn upon
# Additional Notes
add whatever information or idea might be useful for the future, below if needed another "foto transporter"