... is a German non-profit organization that crowdfunds and raffles of Unconditional Basic Incomes UBI of 1.000 € a month for one year. The project heavily relies on its digital platform for its propagation and the crowdfunding process.
# Where? Germany, transnational
# When did it start?
# Aspiration?
"We are interested in finding out what happens if we, as a society, have the financial resources to focus on our life-goals rather than on existential needs.
We would like to encourage people to trust each other more and indulge in a meaningful life.
see website html
UBIs are auctionned according to the ammount of crowdfunded resources. Virtually everybody can participate in the raffle, only a few formal steps are required:
- register on the project's homepage through entering an email address and a nickname - if a new raffle is announced, each person - except the so called "Crowdhörnchen" - has to log in and confirm participation in the raffle; a batch number will be displayed in the profile - The raffles are live streamed and winners are also notified via email on the day after.
Each person who wins, receives a monthly transfer directly on his*her bank account, for the duration of one year, so 12.000 € in total. # Is it really unconditional? Anyone is eligible to participate in the raffle and can win, regardless of their age, gender, nationality or income. However, in order to register, one must be over 14 years old. Younger children can participate via their parent’s account, but they will receive their individual batch number for the raffle. Furthermore, a donation to “Mein Grundeinkommen” is not prerequisite for participating in the raffle, that is: taking is decoupled from giving. And the winners are free to use the money to their full desire. The only condition seems to be a limit in time: UBI is granted for one year only, one could say: It's unconditional but limited
# Which Dimensions of Commoning are fostered?
- CARE-HONORING - NON-CAPITALIST - PLURIVERSAL - SEMI-PERMEABLE BOUNDARIES - transcends national boundaries (German project but participation independent from nationality), age boundaries (see arrangement for children under 14), ideological boundaries (everybody can use the UBI for his or her won purposes)
# Which State Functions for Commoning are being met?
- ENSURING: not sure; legal anchoring - STEWARDING: not sure - PROPAGATING: not sure; public broadcasting - GUARANTEEING: not sure
# Ontological Layer
- Aspirational goals: - Relational categories: - Metaphors: - Epistemology: - Rationality:
# Assessment by Silke or David
- truly commons-based to the outside, independent from Market and State - 51.001 contributors financed 81 UBIs for one year each -> open endend - palbable social impact - open, flexible, collaborative, situated knowledge appreciated and built opon - good integration from online-offline world - the unconditional but limited might be a patterns of commoning - FLIPSIDE: they already have 14 ppl working in the team, no idea how they are financed if "contributors" also finance their job; no idea about "commoning" in the inside
# Sources