Move books and citations from Further Readings to Bibliography as they are used in preparing the book.
- Brown, Wendy (2017): Undoing the Demos, Mitpress, html - Brunhuber, Stefan, The Art of Transformation, (in German) - Doran, Peter (2017): A Political Economy of Attention, Mindfulness and Consumerism - Felber, Christian, new book on "Ethical Free Trade" html - Fleming, David, Surviving the Future: Culture, Carnival and Capital in the Aftermath of the Market Economy - Gielen, Pascale, editor, No Culture, No Europe on the Foundations of Politics - De Angelis, Massimo, Omnia Sunt Comunia html - Gibson-Graham, J.K., Post-Capitalism - Habermann, Friederike, Ecommony html - Hoeschele, Wolfgang, new book in German...get English version from him? - Hudson, Michel, J Is for Junk Economics - Kanth, Rajani, Farewell to Modernism - Macfarlane, Robert, Landmarks - Mäki, Uskali (ed.) "The Economic World View: Studies in the Ontology of Economies" 16 essays - Kashtan, Miki, Reweaving Our Human Fabric - Ruivenkeampt, Guido & Andy Hilton, editors, Perspectives on Commoning (Zed, Sept. 2017) - O'Neil, Mathieu (2009): Cyberchiefs: Autonomy and Authority in Online Tribes Paperback - Vetter, Andrea: Convivial Tools (phd) - Wahl, Daniel Christian, Designing Regenerative Cultures
- Esteves, Ana Margarida (2016): - Fraser, Nancy, Dissent journal - Scharmer, Otto: Transforming Capitalism, 7 Acupuncture Points html
# Blogposts
- The intrapersonal commons [ html]
# Memoirs - Rebanks, James (2016). The Shepherd´s Life. A Tale of the Lake District, Penguin. - Heather Menzies (2014). Reclaiming the Commons for the Common Good, New Society Publishers.