
Here we collect information about the Zapatistas", mainly about their their cosmovision, concepts and language, because language matters.

A world where many worlds fit.

El Mural de Taniperla. source

# Legal Status and Location?

- name the legal status and add a link if available - Mexico


# 1. Which Core Dimensions of Commoning are enacted?

add a short description, then name the ones you've identified out of the list of our 8 dimensions that are met and another list with those that are irrelevant and/or not met; if not sure, you can add an asterix to the dimension you've doubts about

# 2. How does Provisioning through commons occur?

Which elements of Provisioning through Commons are present, and how? Be as concrete as possible, even storytelling might fit!

# 2.a Use Convivial Tools Single out which kind of tools are used and tag them with: Constituting Tools and/or Knowledge Creation and/or Socializing Tools and/or Infrastructures and/or Finance and/or Laws

# 3. Self-Governance in the Commons # 3.a Governing Internal Relations add a short description or name the ones you've identified out of the list of our 7 dimensions

# Governing External Relations Proceed the same way selecting from the following dimensions

Aspirational goals: build "a world, where many worlds fit", it's like polycultivation, i.e.

"polyculture in the milpa and in the municipality." (Quincy Raul)

"Behind ourselves we are you."

- Metaphors: usually taken from nature, the most important one is the "caracol", snail. - Epistemology: - Rationality: coin it according to the preestablished list of rationality-types

add the websites, documents and media you've drawn upon

# Sources

Quincy Saul (2016): Resurgent Mexico, in Counterpunch article ] Zapatista Army of National Liberation, [