The first task of contemporary political theory is to declare its ontology. Robert Cox
Clarifying one's fundamental conception of reality (the ontology) that is enshrined in our decisions is important to any policymaking process. If we want to speak about a commons enacting polity beyond market, nation-state and charity, we need to talk about the nature of being, the way we see ourselves and others, and our relationships to nature. Here is why:
Consequently, ontology is important to political theory because it frames presuppositions about all aspects of life and what is good and right. (Stout 2012: 390)
# Why ontology matters for policymaking
Fundamental assumptions about how things, nature and human beings ARE, shape ideas and values anyway. Reflecting and unveiling them helps us understanding how this happens.
These assumptions "helped them [participants of the 2010 ASPA conference] make sense of why things such as collaboration, public participation, and international development are successful (or not)", reports Margaret Stout, a scholar of public adminstration.
Identifying such fundamental assumptions makes clear how particular political forms are thought to be appropriate or even necessary based on the nature of being. (Stout 2012:388)
# A Political Ontology
Varying ontological assumptions are related to different ways of thinking about the human being, identity, and social life (Catlaw 2007a; Howe 2006). Therefore, ontologies can be political. They can be a Political Ontology. The term points to the fact, that ...
"ontology and political theory are in a directional causal relationship: ontology suggests the possibility and/or correctness of only certain political forms." (Stout 2012: 390)
For example; a modern Western ontology is associated with the static, plural universe of positivism wiki , atomistic individualism, and materially
self-interested human beings. This lead to modern liberal political forms.
"Political ontology depicts both what is and what SHOULD BE", explains Stout. It describes the fundaments of what is believed to be the constitutive Good, its source and ends.
Who is authorized to speak for God? Fred Thayer:1981, A-14
# Why does Ontology matter to Polity?
- "because it frames presuppositions about all aspects of life and what is good and right" (Stout 2012: 390) - In short, what we believe about reality guides what we do, and sometimes we do not like the results (ibidÖ 392)
# How to declare Political Ontologies
# See also
# Sources
Margaret Stout (2012): Competing Ontologies: A Primer for Public Administration, in Public Administration Review: May/June 2012: 388-398) pdf