Governance Practices template


The title of this panel is the name of the practice/initiative If you want to add a short description - 3-4 lines - please do so here. Then make a general assessment using the five stars below (it gets interesting for us when one rates it 4 or 5 stars):If you make NO assessment, delete the stars altogether.


# Where?

add place, region and tag with one or two of these: Africa, Asia, Americas, Australia/Oceania, Europe, bioregional, transnational


# When did it start?

add year if available + source if possible

# Inspired by:

Add the theories other (historical) practices this governance proposal/practice draws from. Add other examples and similar examples.


# How does Self-Governance in the Commons work in this project?

Lento pero avanzo

If there is information available, add a short description how HOW sth. is done, i.e. how "property is relationalized" and how group relations, ethics and social practices are managed. You can also make a guess deducing from what you know about this practice or add a source for further readings

Relationalize Property: ADD TEXT HERE

Emulate & Then Federate: ADD TEXT HERE


# Additional Information

# See also

# Sources